Sunday, January 13, 2008

Blog Therapy

Amy this one's because of you! ;)

A few days ago I, and maybe a few of you, were wrongly accused of having too much time on our hands. I laughed! But then I started to ponder.

My life is insanely busy. Not a day passes that doesn't end with me recounting the day and finding all the things I didn't accomplish. Not because of laziness or poor time management skills (well, OK, better time management would probably help), but mostly because there is just not enough time in the day.

So here is the question that I was pondering: Why do I spend what little free time I have blogging and reading my friends blogs? Here is what I came up with.

Because I love it!

Question #2: Why do I love it? That answer takes a little longer to explain.

I have never been good at staying in touch. I would go so far as to say that I stink at it! (let the snarky comments begin :) ). This particular short-coming is something that I have truly been trying to overcome lately. But it's hard; really hard. It's just not in my nature. Then I got introduced to blogging. For the first time in my life (seriously) I feel like I am making some real progress towards staying connected with my long-distant friends. I love that I can read about the day-to-day life of my friends and that they can read about mine, if they want. I love being able to write one post and know that several people can read it whenever they want, on their own time schedule. There is no pressure. I feel more involved with those of you whose blogs I read than I have since we each moved. It's great! I also think it is really fun when someone who has been reading for a while without commenting, suddenly decides to pop in and join the conversation. It's like a welcome surprise visit.

Now, for those of you who don't have blogs of your own or who don't ever leave comments, please know that I am not slighting you at all. This just works for me, and I'm really excited about it! I know that this kind of communication doesn't work for everyone; far from it. It's just so fulfilling to finally find a solution to a problem I thought I would always struggle with.

The next thing that I discovered as I pondered this new pastime was just how touched I have been by many of your posts. I am astounded by the range of thoughts, ideas, and feelings I experience due to the things we share in our blogs. I have felt my testimony grow as I read about your testimonies. I smile at your kids' antics. I sympathize with your concerns. I laugh out loud at the fun things we all do. Overall, reading each of your blogs gives me hope, perspective, and a growing desire to be a better person. Thank you!

I guess the skinny of it is that blogging is like therapy to me. I need it right now.

The last issue I want to mention, just as a post-script, is about the time we spend making our blogs look pretty. After all, Amy, I know this is what you were really talking about. Making my blog look nice is kind of like putting make-up on in the morning (not that I ever do that, but you get the idea). This is the face I am presenting to the world and I would like it to look its best. I also want it to reflect who I am. I want to accentuate the positive. So it's worth spending a little extra time on it.


Jenny said...

Well, thanks to you, I don't feel like I'm wasting my time! I love blogging and moving around so much has been hard for me! Making good friends and saying good-bye, knowing that we may not keep in touch. I sooooo miss all of you! I'm so happy your blogging and I can read about your sweet family, so thanks for "wasting" (ha ha) your time by filling me in on what's going on with you. I love reading and look forward to each new post! Love ya Robin!

AJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AJ said...

I just wanted to let you know that I am so glad you decided to start your own blog. It has been such a long time and I really miss you! Regarding what you said in an earlier blog, you probably already know that I don't put much stock into book smarts. It is the kind of person you are and how you treat others that really matter, and Robin you are an amazing person and a dear friend. I will cherish our friendship always.

Hilary said...

Haha, I don't think we have to go over how I feel about blogging.
I enjoy changing it to have the colors reflect my mood.
But, that's just me. Sometimes I wish my site had a more constant look.

Amy said...

You know I said that just to funny- after being guilt-tripped by Denise about writing in my blog at all- I did spend 4 hours Sunday trying to make mine look good- I still couldn't figure out that background thing but have just come to terms with the fact that it is what it is. I'm not going to get caught up in making my look fabulous- I'm just going to use it. I'm hoping to give Denise my password and let her design it for me..... I'll have to come up with a good trade for that. :) BTW- that deleted comment has me curious....... scandalous!

Unknown said...

So- Denise loved my idea! So she helped me out with mine and it looks fabulous. Your post inspired me- I will too learn to love blogging. It allows me a glimpse of the lives of my friends and let's me also explore my creative side (a side of me that's been paralyzed for quite some time now.) So thanks Robin for your words and thanks Denise for your "fancy" touches. Happy blogging everyone....

Oh P.S: I was so enthusiastic about my new found blogging that not only did I tag Dory again but sent her an e-mail. Needless to say it was a little over the top. So sorry if my enthusiasm comes across as bossiness...... I mean it well. :)

Denise said...

You know I am happy to help. I HAVE been trying to talk to you, but you NEVER answer your phone!

Love you.

Amy said...

Love the new look! Did Denise get a hold of it or did you do that? Incredible. She wrote my profile and this will be posted as "Amy the Great". Which I didn't realize until I just posted a comment on Amberlyn's sister's blog where I've never visited before- good one! Oh well- I am great cuz God don't make no junk!

Jenny said...

Super cool! Love the new look!

Robin said...

New look compliments of Denise.

Denise, like I've said before, everything you touch turns to gold. Thanks for all your work, it looks amazing!!! Thank goodness I have creative friends!

Dory said...

You go girl! I agree 100% with everything you said. By the way, I did the tag thing finally!

Can someone please teach me how to make mine pretty!

Troy said...

Robin -- you said in a comment above that everything Denise touches turns to gold. Well, it's true. I'm gold all over!

Robin said...

Troy- LOL
BTW I love reading your comments.

Jolinda said...

I'm a little slow on this one...haven't read in a while. Thanks for putting into words how I also feel. We truly do think alike on a majority of levels!! Have you had a chance to check out my blog? Nothing fancy, I'm working on that. But wanted to get started anyway...

Thank you for always understanding my lack of communication. There is no other friend in my life that can take the place of hearing from you. This blogging thing has really been great. I feel like I "talk" to you a lot more! Thanks for always being the example and for being my "little sis"!

Lots of love to you!