Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sunday Journal Writing

"So what can I do on Sunday?" This is a common question at our house. It's not just the kids that ask it either. It seems like Daniel and I are continually trying to figure out what "Keep the Sabbath day holy" really means. Every few months we revisit the issue and I find myself reading articles on Today I came across this one. Another resource I use for ideas on things to do on Sunday is here. I have always liked the idea of writing in our journals on Sunday. In the past I printed out whole list of questions to help the kids come up with things to write about. Then we cut these questions into strips and placed them in a jar: a "journal jar". We haven't been too successful with the actual writing. So, a couple times a month, we'll post one of those questions here on our blog and then have each of us answer it.

On to the first question!

Journal Jar Question: What do you think about when you can't fall asleep?

Robin: Mostly about all the things I need to get done. (This is usually what keeps me from falling to sleep in the first place.)

Chris: I think about what is going to happen tomorrow, such as will I be able to play the Wii, or will I find a heirloom of my mom's or dad's? Anything like that.

Kira:I don't know. I don't usually have problems falling asleep. I think I think about nothing.

Briona: I think about stuff. (Actually she doesn't ever have a problem going to sleep. Once she is in bed she falls right to sleep. If we have let the kids stay up late she falls asleep where ever she happens to lay her head. Staying asleep is another matter.)

Daniel: Aargh. That's a tough one. I never fall asleep right away, and the things I think about have changed a lot over the years. It's one of the few times when I completely ignore constraints and obstacles and think solely about possibilities and potentials. Occasionally, I even remember that stuff in the morning.


Denise said...

I am just enjoying being a little more a part of what's going on with you guys.

Keep up the good work.

Hilary said...

A) I really try to keep out last names and really, most of our first names, but it doesn't always work -- and if you google me, I'm there (mostly because of the photography business). {sigh} However, I do work to make sure any picture of our house has the address blurred. :D
B) Journal jar's a GREAT idea. Do you still have the prompts saved on your computer?

Ariana said...

I wonder what Michael thinks about when he can't fall asleep.... :)

Robin said...

Hilary, Yes I do have the questions in a word file. Do you want me to send them to you?

Unknown said...

I feel like I just came back from a visit with you after seeing all the pix!

Thanks so much for posting them.