Saturday, December 22, 2007

New Title

Okay the first thing to go is the title. I asked Daniel why he chose Little Kidlets and he said he didn't know exactly. He mainly was thinking about this being a blog about them so he wanted a title that felt like them. I quickly pointed out that they were not going to stay little for long (in fact have you noticed how tall Christopher is now?).

Ever since Dory made a posting on her blog about how she felt about titles, my mind has been chewing on possible titles for this blog. So this is what I have come up with for now. Sunrise, Sunset. If any of you are familiar with the movie Fiddler on the Roof you'll probably already see some of my reasoning. The chorus goes:
Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers
Blossoming even as we gaze

Time flies so fast. So fast that we miss it a lot of the times. The first lines of the song goes:
Is this the little girl I carried?
Is this the little boy at play?

I don't remember growing older
When did they?

When did she get to be a beauty?
When did he get to be so tall?

Wasn't it yesterday
When they were small?

I want to remember! Writing here is one way that I see that happening. It's through the things we record that our memories are strengthen.

I can't change how swiftly the days fly, but I can make an effort to capture a little of the beauty of the sunrise before it is gone. No doubt the sunset will be magnificent in it's own right, thus worthy of capture as well. Then how grand it will be in those times between when I will be able to pull out those memories and "remember".


Amy said...

Well said.... I'm glad you're doing more posts- you have a way with words.

Hilary said...

Mostly, I think you need a title that's unique.... so when we look in our RSS feed we know it's you. :)

Denise said...

I like Sunrise, Sunset. It is nice. But I think you guys are a little zanier than that. (Maybe its just me.)

As far as the website, I think rather than little kidlets you should go with something with a little alleration.


Or, possibly something more about your family:


Just a thought.

I added your link to my family and friends section so I could view you regularly.

Mindy said...

I LOVE Sunrise, Sunset. The song and the title, good thinking! We're anxious to read about what you guys are up to! We get very little news all the way over here, so let's hear it! Jeff and Mindy

cherapin said...

Actually, you listed only half the chorus (the men's half) but I like the half you chose. Since you chose the title, it's perfect.

Unknown said...

Denise does have a point. You are a bit more zany than Sunrise, Sunset. But I like the title anyway. Probably shouldn't use DogRover or Othelo&Company, but those are a little more unique and zany.

I'll try to think of some alternates.