Sunday, May 4, 2008

Day of Firsts

Today Kira bore her testimony for the 1st time! And it was completely her idea! We haven't even talked about bearing our testimonies lately as a family. About half way through the meeting you could tell that she was being touched by the spirit because she started to get a little fidgety and then she moved to the end of the bench. She then asked Daniel what time testimony ended and she started eyeing the clock. A few minutes late she was at the pulpit. Her testimony was short and sweet. I am so proud of her! It was a big feet for her to over come her shyness and follow teh prompting of the spirit.

Another 1st is that Michael started crawling today! He has been close for weeks but today it is official (of course I missed when it first happened because I was asleep). He is up on all fours moving across the floor!

What a great day!


Hilary said...

Awh... a very exciting day. :)

Denise said...

I LOVE when that happens! Emma too bore her testimony and it was so awesome!

Love you.