Saturday, January 10, 2009

Welcome back to Real Life!

It is really hard to get back in the swing of things after such a long vacation, but we did it! We made through the 1st full week in 2009!

So what have I done this week? School, Job, Church, Kids. Yes all of the normal stuff and also a little more.

I have done my spiritual goal, all week! This may not seem like much to most of you but for me it is a big deal. Consistency is not my strong suit (I bet you never knew!).

I have kept in better contact with friends. I am really happy about this one because my friends are really important to me but I am not good at showing it. I am so grateful for modern technology.

I went to the temple with Daniel. I can't remember the last time we were there together. I'm so glad my mom suggested it and so thankful that she kept the kids.

I may not have done anything incredible this week, but I did do several little things that were really important.

Monday, January 5, 2009


All I have to say is:


Sunday, January 4, 2009

1st day in Nursery

Today was Michael's 1st day in Nursery. Hurray!!!!!!!!!

All in all he did really well. Daniel dropped him off and he played until someone new came in the room and her realized that Daniel had gone. He cried for a little while after that but once they started snack time all was well again. That is until he saw me at the door checking on him (my mistake).
Once again, as soon as he started playing, I snuck out and he did great. Until the Primary President had to go in the room. That set him off again, but at this point I had already passed his binky on to the nursery leader. He gave it to Michael and started reading him a story. Within minutes Michael had fallen asleep on Bro. Gardners lap. It was the cutest sight. He slept that way until church was over and I came in to pick him up.
Not a bad beginning, I think.

New Years Day

This New Years day will be one that we'll remember for awhile.
It started out great.
We had a really laid back morning and afternoon. I spend a lot of time going through pictures and posting some on facebook. Daniel took the kids shopping for model car paint and ended up spend a couple of hours just browsing though the stores (suprisingly enough they all had a great time. I didn't think Daniel really liked that kind of thing.) Then in the evening we went over to the Risenmay's for Dinner. Dinner was delicious and guitar hero, world tour was a blast.
Then at about 10:30 we got the phone call. In a panicked voice my mom told us that the basement was flooded and that we should get home quick. Daniel rushed over, but I took a little more time, assuming it probably wasn't all that bad. Well, I was wrong. The whole basement had been effected, some areas at least an inch and a half deep.
I guess at some point the power box to our sump pump got tripped and it stopped pumping water. The rain fall was a literal down pour, so it didn't take very log after the pump stopped to flood the basement. All we had to do was reset the switch and the pump came back to life, but the damage was done.
Daniel, my mom, myself, and George (what a saint!) spend the next 4 hours moving furniture, clearing gutters,and sucking water out of the carpets.
The next step was to get blower fans and call the insurance. Daniel was able to rental a couple of fans from Home Depot while I was at work and by the time I got home he had then going.
The fans did their job well and now our carpets are dry with very little permanent damage. What a blessing. We still have the emergency response guys coming out on Monday or Tuesday to check our walls and make sure there isn't any water damage to them. I don't think they will find much.
I just have to say what a blessing it is to have good friends. Jennifer kept our 3 oldest kids for the 1st night and George was a huge help. I seriously don't know what we would have done without them.